The Pulurtans - Chapter 2

Chapter 2.25
Chapter 2.50
Chapter 2.75

The space station above Bios Prime, Steel Star, was an immense cylinder sprouting four equally-spaced extensions. Each of those extensions contained shipyard modules, all of which were busy. In truth Steel Star was the Registry’s main shipyard complex. Other systems had their stations, but they were much smaller and were tailored more to provide logistical support for the fleet, such as constructing mine patterns and IDEWs.

Queen Vulcana was touring one of the shipyard modules on Steel Star. With her was Gestan Gears, Naval Secretary. His mechanized face was composed of two small recessed glass square eyes and several triangles forming the mouth. It couldn’t display emotion but his voice conveyed the feelings of optimism and enthusiasm. “As you see, your highness,” Gears said as he gestured past the armorplast viewport to the work being done in the module’s berthing slips, “Full-scale production of Antitoxin carriers is underway. Assembly and training of android crews has reached the level where each new ship will be manned as well as insure a reserve pool of 10% in case of unanticipated need.”

  “Very good, Gears. Your queen is pleased.” Vulcana’s head was unique among Bians. It was patterned after her original, organic head centuries earlier. Completely hairless and chalky white in color, it was a display mannequin’s head in all but name. There was no mouth and ears. Only blank white, lidless eyes and a feminine nose endowed the face with any sort of character. Dressed in a floor-length gown of black, the one piece of decoration worn by the queen was an egg-sized deep blue sapphire. She chose her appearance when she became queen and never altered it. Vanity was at the core of her reasoning, like all Bians. Instead of engaging in fashion cycles with the rest of her kind Vulcana stayed with her simple outfit. Over the centuries it became a fashion exclusive to herself and a symbol of her monarchal supremacy. “Gears, what news from the front this week?”

“Excellent, my queen. The fifteenth system of the Pulurtans has been conquered. Even now our Mechanized Army is landing in force to exterminate those wretched bugs. Captain Cogsworth and his intelligence team confirmed that the planet in question, Marblehead, is another colony. Aside from Spice, we’ve yet to encounter any major Pulurtan populations.”

If Vulcana had any eyebrows she would’ve raised one. “That greatly concerns me, Gears. In the eighteen months since the first shot the Pulurtan Kingdom has put up such resistance that practically all of our pre-war construction and reserve is gone. Nine out of ten ships now in commission have been built in the past fifteen months. Pulurtan production and wealth must surely equal ours judging from the size of the fleets they’ve employed, the defenses erected and the losses sustained and inflicted on us in turn. Also consider these ‘fighters’ they use. What news have you on our fighter deployment?”

“I’m happy to report,” Gears said eagerly, “that the first ten carriers and their attendant fighter wings will be completing the shake-down operation by the end of next week. New fortifications incorporating fighter bays are being assembled in key forward systems, serving both for defense and as a ready source of replacement fighter groups. Admiral 3rd Level Gadget, however, will still proceed with the next assault, preferring to maintain the momentum of our offensive as well as reduce enemy defenses.”

Vulcana nodded. “Much more preferable to have a multitude of routes into the Pulurtan realm than just one. Our remaining open points have turned into dead ends, leaving each new thrust down a predictable line of advance. With a commensurate number of carriers to match that of our cruisers we will finally gain a tool that will crush those giant bugs with a wave of fighters and corvettes.”

“That is the consensus of the Admiralty, your highness. If it would please your highness, I like to show you the anti-fighter missile that will be deployed to the fleet in the coming weeks. It will be the main armament of the new anti-fighter escort cruisers that will accompany our carriers.”

“Your queen is pleased. Lead on, Secretary Gears.”


The Mechanized Space Navy, after eighteen months of advancing and victory, had finally run into a system that resisted two attempts to assault it. Davenport, a system depopulated due to the depredations of the Isset during the Civil War, was reclaimed by the Pulurtans and made a sector capital in the intervening years. Two transits out was the Spice system, former home of the 3rd High Fleet and conquered by the MSN six months ago. What was left of the 3rd HF, namely its carriers and escorts, was undergoing refitting and reconstituting in the Havenport system, three transits behind Davenport. Taking up the slack were entire task groups of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th High Fleets. Due to security needs in the remaining sectors, in case the MSN found a warp link leading to them, the other High Fleets could only send so much in the way of reinforcement to Davenport.

Bases, minefields, buoys (both expendable and reusable), and fighter patrols covered the threatened warp point in anticipation of the third assault. In every case the MSN employed their heavy cruisers, destroyers, corvettes, and minesweepers in mass transits. Only here in Davenport, which had the secondary cache of prefabricated base components for the sector, was the High Navy able to mount a true defense in depth of the warp point. Two complete task forces were on hand at any one time while the others were being refitted with new equipment at Davenport’s burgeoning space station.

Admiral (2nd Barb) Kulsek, commanding the newly titled Combined Fleet, was anxious for the Bians to conduct their third assault. Given the priority in attacking systems with habitable worlds, and most likely knowing the importance of Davenport due to captured records, the Bians would attack again if only to gauge the defenses. He wanted them to expend as much of their potential in a failed attack. Only then would Kulsek go on the offensive, making full use of the new and refitted ships incorporating the latest technology.

There was still hope that some Fendalens were alive on the three habitable worlds the Bians conquered. Marblehead could be added to that list as well, being cut-off from the rest of the sector when the Spice system fell. However, with the known information about the Bians it was likely that the populations in question were, in all likelihood, already dead. Kulsek knew that King Lugan would consign the Bians to death if they followed through on their previous practice of extermination. The few prisoners captured after the last two assaults, all officers, only confirmed the information, stating that the best thing ‘meats’ could expect was a quick death through planetary bombardment.

Princess Lynaca, daughter of the King and oldest of his offspring, was commanding the newly arrived and refitted Spear class superdreadnought Malice. She spent the majority of her adult life in naval service; rising to the rank of captain by time she suspended her commission to pursue medical training. Among her siblings Lynaca was the one with the best grasp of military strategy and the temperament for high command. Held in regard by fellow line officers, Lynaca would likely become an admiral after all is said and done. Provided, of course, that the Bians haven’t overrun the High Kingdom in the interim.

 Aboard the battleship Lord Isset Bane a call went out for Admiral Kulsek to come to the CIC immediately. A tsunami of Bian ships had made a mass transit, which was the only way they went about such things. In normal practice, both in the HN and MSN, a single pinnace would be sent to gauge the forces on the other side of a warp point. In the last two assaults on Davenport there were pinnace probes, though the MSN procedure had to be repeated several times thanks to the vigilance of the fighter patrols. Now it appears that the Bians felt confident again for another go.

“Status report,” Kulsek demanded as he entered the CIC, donning his helmet and checking the seals. As standard procedure all personnel stationed within a light minute of the warp point had to wear the regular lightweight pressure suit with integrated helmet when not on a work rotation. For those on a work rotation a pressure suit with integrated armor patches and more oxygen capacity was used.

“A total of 204 corvettes, 27 destroyers and 19 heavy cruisers have transited with 70 interpenetrating,” sounded Sathyl, the Operations officer. “Plan Alpha One is in effect as previously specified. The active fighter squadrons will target the cruisers first.”

Kulsek was listening but his eyes were on the holotank. This assault was three times as large as the previous one. Had the attack come just one month earlier it would’ve stood a better chance of success. As it was, unless there was another surprise in waiting, even this massive mob could be dealt with minimal loss. It wasn’t the number of defending platforms or ships involved but the technology they employed.

To a ship the Bians deployed their EDMs as soon as they emerged from the warp point. Not so much as to protect them from missiles but from mines. The horde of corvettes was going to breach a section of the minefield before the drives on the EDMs failed. Before they could modulated their engines for maximum ECM, and while under the effects of transit, the Bians open fired on the twelve type-3 platforms with their plasma guns. One dedicated assault CA fired first, missing with its three CAMs but hitting with three plasma packets despite the point defenses of the targeted platform. In this first exchange the Bians experienced not only the second generation force beam but the converging antimatter beam as well. Just two of the six refitted type-3 platforms became active but between them they claimed twelve corvettes and crippled two more with CAMs.

Eight type-3 platforms were destroyed with the remaining four rendered into weaponless hulks by energy beams. With the two task forces nine light-seconds away, in the same proximity of the large fighter platforms, only a smattering of the active units could fire. The Bians were reduced to just 108 corvettes, 18 destroyers (2 of which were e-hulked), and two crippled minesweeping CAs. Four of the larger platforms were active and used another new system to deadly advantage. 450 laser buoys received instructions and fired just before the intruders gained their bearings. Unlike the old buoy control system the new version could select which hull type for the buoys to engage instead of spreading their fire to all targets at a specified range. 432 buoys lanced out to the corvettes while the two cruisers got nine each.

Five corvettes were lucky to sustain just one hit while 75% got three or four. All of them were still able to move. The cruisers were easily dispatched, but now the Bians made maximum engine modulation was still being able to move at 0.033c. Expecting regular mines, what they got instead were their antimatter-armed brethren. Because of their greatly enhanced destructive power Kulsek had the mines set at the regular dispersion rate. As the second wave of the assault appeared, five superdreadnoughts and a battlecruiser, the corvette horde was intent on bodily clearing a lane for their larger ships to follow.

What those newcomers saw were mine explosions that were more powerful than standard nukes. Out of 108 corvettes 14 were left engineless inside the minefield while only 4 made it to the other side, each boasting just one recharging plasma gun. Of the sixteen destroyers just six fought past the mines and only one had a patch of armor left for passive defense. Five of the corvettes known to the Bians as Screamers still had their datalink jammers, but being so badly damaged it only took two of the fighter squadrons to eliminate them with internal lasers.

The newcomers fired mine clearance charges from their internal launchers and external racks, clearing away 21 patterns. What they got back was their near-total destruction from additional activated patrol squadrons, the platforms at the 2 LS position, the missile platforms at 3.75 and 5 LS, and advancing units of the High Navy, including prototype gunboats, another new weapon that the Bians wouldn’t learn about from this battle. Only one SD, rendered into an e-hulked shell of a ship, remained at the warp point along with two similarly-afflicted destroyers. Five more waves entered, producing the same results. Even a mass transit of 60 pinnaces failed for not one of them survived long enough to transit back out, leaving the Bians completely ignorant of what the true state of affairs.

After a full minute with no further transits Kulsek removed his helmet and regarded the holotank with full vision. For the loss of 450 buoys, 100 patterns of antimatter mines, 8 type-3 platforms, 4 crippled type-3 platforms and varying degrees of shield damage to four type-6 beam platforms the High Navy witnessed the destruction of 204 corvettes, 25 destroyers, 19 heavy cruisers, 6 battlecruisers and 29 superdreadnoughts. Just two destroyers and one superdreadnought, burned out by energy beams, remained. The sole SD was carefully engaged during the battle so as to remove its remaining force beams without hitting the magazines, which were undoubtedly filled with antimatter ordnance. When called upon to surrender the big ship exploded, leaving the destroyers to be boarded. As expected the androids wiped out their records, but the new technology they used, namely the advanced point defense, was duly noted.

“The tugs are taking the crippled type-3s to Davenport Station for repairs and refit,” Sathyl informed Kulsek in a post-battle meeting. “Six type-6 beam platforms will take their place from the orbital reserve as soon as they’ve complete their refit seven days from now.”

Kulsek gave the datapad he was reading a dismissive look. “In the time it’ll take to move those platforms here they’ll just be window dressing. Thanks to the permission from King Lugan, and the tools loaded in the holds of those new freighters that came with Princess Lynaca, we’ll be in control of both sides of the warp point before then.”


The admiral’s cabin was lit and occupied. Sitting behind a masterfully carved and polished wooden desk was Admiral Gadget himself, reading a report he just completed. Gadget wasn’t upset with the failure of the last assault. By the law of statistical probability he knew the Pulurtans suffered losses. With so many plasma guns involved it was inconceivable that they didn’t eliminate something. Indeed, based on the drones from the first wave and from one SD in the second wave the enemy lost the use of all of his point-blank platforms. Even the numbers went down, starting from eighteen from the first assault, fifteen in the second and now just twelve in the third. What did disturb Gadget was the appearance of two new weapons. From the scant scanner recordings it appears that a pair of small platforms took out no less than twelve corvettes, each one obliterated by a single beam. It was a good thing that there were so few of those bases to begin with. For the other it was a new kind of mine that had three times the destructive power than normal. Had the mine patterns been set to a higher level then the whole of the corvette force would’ve been wiped out that much quicker. Other than sheer numbers it would take a sustained bombardment with minefield clearance missiles to neutralize a portion of the now much-deadlier mines.

From his side the losses in ships were par for the course. It wasn’t like real Bians had died. Only androids completely crewed ships the size of heavy cruisers on down. Indeed, only Bian officers served on the battlecruisers and superdreadnoughts, commanding over the android complements. The only real difference between a Bian and an android was software that would permit the development of a personality. With the losses incurred so far it was going to be the rare android corvette crewman that would survive long enough to get a software upgrade and personal back-up service.

SD11459-J04, yeoman to Admiral Gadget and known to the shipboard officers as Jayofor, appeared at the appointed time. Like all androids constructed for military service his face consisted of a singular round-ended rectangular blue eye and small black circular speaker. In his hands he carried a batch of lead miniatures and a cloth. “Your latest fabrications have arrived with the supply acquisition, Sir,” Jayofor said in a hollow manner typical of androids.

One of Gadget’s cultivated vices was that of lead miniatures depicting ancient warriors. He had an extensive collection and hand-painted them all. War and distance wasn’t going to deny him a hobby he held even before becoming immortal. “Excellent, Jayofor. Place them on the table. Activate the holoimager and set it to the tactical display on your way out.”

Jayofor laid out the cloth on the desk and positioned the three miniatures on it. He turned on the holoimager as requested, but Gadget was already at work, fetching paints and fine brushes from a drawer. He had no real need for the holoimager to be on. It was habit, formed when he was flesh and blood centuries earlier and carried over to his machine body. The imager served as ‘background noise’, providing an external source to tune out while concentrating on his craft. Besides, he already knew the disposition of his forces.

For starters, the warp point was surrounded by 1,200 patterns of mines and an equal number of laser buoys. Also arranged in equal numbers were eighteen Volcanic class platforms. Further out and ‘north’ of the warp point at 3.75 LS was a group of three Promethia class platforms. Another group was at the southeast and southwest positions. At 8 LS north sat the 1st Fleet, comprising of 36 SDs and 36 BCAs. A Mentalist automated weapons control ship each sat 7.5 LS northeast and southwest. In two weeks time Gadget will have 360 more corvettes, 60 destroyers and 48 heavy cruisers, all newly constructed and trained, joining his fleet. He knew this yet went ahead with the third assault. In his report the stated reason was to weaken the enemy defenses by forcing them to bring their larger platforms into range of the corvettes’ plasma guns for the fourth assault. For the more sinister reason Gadget wanted to clear the ‘deadwood’ from his fleet so that homogeneity of defenses could be maximized.

Chokepoints in conquered Pulurtan territory were being reassessed in regards to their fixed defense needs. Those platforms already in place were being retrofitted with new technology before being disassembled and moved to new locations. Survey task groups have failed to locate any new populated systems, so it was decided to continue the advance down what was now called the Davenport Chain. This suited Gadget just fine. With 468 fresh ships thrown in another mass transit no amount of those pesky fighters, mines and buoys will hold back the Mechanized Space Navy’s glorious path to victory.


Three days after the assault Admiral Kulsek got the information he needed. One of the new second-generation pinnaces that came with Lynaca’s ships entered the Outer Harbor (OH) system and returned with details on the Bian deployment. From previous probes it was clear that the fixed defenses had stayed the same. What he now knew was the size of the defending mobile force – 36 SDs and a like number of BCs. It was also clear that the two CLs detected were the mine/buoy control ships, while any number of the 18 BS3s could have their own buoy control systems. Kulsek realized that had the Bians shown the same predilection to expend their larger ships in mass transits like their corvettes then they could’ve very well have won the battle.

A conventional assault into OH was out of the question, and a mass transit with all of his BCs and smaller ships would’ve denied him a pursuit force with which to chase down Bian BCAs. Now with the missile pods in attendance the route into OH will cost far less Pulurtan blood. Only 2,200 of the first generation pods were built, being superseded by the second and recently developed third generation varieties. All the first generation pods were now in Davenport and stocked with antimatter-tipped SBMs. Lugan had ordered that the pods be held in reserve until such time that they could be decisively used for the offensive. Now was such a time.

In the fire plan each Bian BS3 was targeted by 40 pods while the larger BS5 were slated for 90 apiece. Both Mentalists CLs were tagged for 35 each. For the remaining 600 pods they were tasked to the BCAs. Kulsek held no illusion that the Maetels would be heavily damaged by such a small bombardment, but whatever damage they did inflict would help the follow-up wave. One minute after the pods five carriers and a dreadnought will enter OH, launch their gunboats, fighters, and pinnaces, and return. Whatever buoys that were activated in the first minute would expend themselves on the six ships. It was the lynchpin to the whole plan. As formidable a force it was the fighters and gunboats would be chewed up by the defensive might of 72 ships. Thirty seconds after the carriers’ return the rest of the fleet would proceed with normal transit. On the racks of the first two waves, in place of capital mine clearance charges, would be the new antimatter-pack ballistic attack missiles. The Bians would face a literal fish or cut bait dilemma either to kills fighters or stop the fleet from blasting a path in the minefield.

The carriers, comprised of five Mansions, had 300 fighters and 90 prototype gunboats between them. Conversions of Spike class SDs, the Mansions were heavily armored, able to withstand 31 laser buoys before being breached. As for the Gilded Glove class DN Forthright Kulsek included it so whatever buoys were made active would have to spread their fire among six ships instead of five. A buzzer reminded him that the pod deployment was finished. With a curt nod he told Sathyl to proceed with the plan.



Admiral Gadget was on the bridge of his flagship, the SD Hardwire, instead of the CIC when the pods made transit. At first he thought he was looking at some sort of warp-capable fighter or shuttle, given the size as reported by the tactical officer. A number of the fleet little objects interpenetrated, but that left 1870 out of an estimated 2200. That many fighters alone would’ve made Gadget lose bowel control if he had a biological body.

Instead of charging in one solid mass the objects broke up into twelve discreet groups, speeding through the minefields and losing a further 10% of their number. They were out of reach of those ships and bases that did become active but nonetheless the groups changed course for part of their runs, first heading away from ships and platforms and then turning back to face them. Gadget ordered the launch of all available pinnaces and assault shuttles to intercept the objects. He knew it was a futile gesture if they turned out be fighters but he would be damned if he didn’t use everything available to fight the enemy. It was clearly stupid to run at this point with so few ships at action stations, so Gadget had his ships stay put at the 8 LS position.

Unmolested by long-range point defense fire the surviving pods acquired their targets and belched their missiles. The sight of the metal storm raining on his fleet and platforms gave Gadget an electronic version of a heart attack. He fell to the deck face-first, shattering his cyclopean eye, rendering him blind. Luckily for him his crews responded to the onslaught, deploying EDMs and utilizing what ECM they could generate. The platforms just might as well have self-destructed and spared themselves the misery.

As Gadget was being helped into a console station his data receptors fed the results of the missile storm into his shock-addled mind. All the point-blank and distant platforms were gone, as well as both Mentalists. The Maetels had shield damage and most of those lost some armor as well. No respite was in the offering as five SDs and a DN made transit. Gunboats, unseen and unknown to the Bians until now, detached from their racks and assumed a rugged formation, waiting for their transit-addled systems to stabilize. Only 200 buoys were activated in the first minute of battle, and they lacerated the Pulurtan hulls with nuclear-pumped death. The thick armor of the Mansions served them in good stead, but the Forthright was badly mauled. It must be credited, though, that the ship’s inclusion prevented the Mansions from having their armor breached.

“Orders, Sir?” asked Valve, the fleet’s second in command. The arrangement of his recessed triangular eyes made him look perpetually miffed.

Gadget found his voice, covering his broken eye like it was a real one as he talked. “Open fire on the enemy ships. Every completely active datagroup will advance on the warp point. ”

“As you ordered, Sir.”

The eight assault shuttles that launched from the type 3 platforms opened fired on the gunboats, knocking out three. In turn they were shot down by the gunboats’ superior point defense. Six BCAs and a like number of SDs moved on the warp point at full speed. The crippled Forthright was subjected to CM and SBM bombardment from all the active SDs. With distance and three EDMs the dreadnought still had 12% of its shields. A feeling of being cheated of a kill was replaced by that of mortal dread, filling the mechanical hearts of Bian tactical officers as they witness the launch of 300 fighters. Gadget, upon hearing the news, had his remaining ships assume a hedgehog formation, half pointing ‘inward’ and the other half pointing outward. So arranged, the sixty ships could cover the blind spots of their neighbors. The fleet’s assault shuttles and pinnaces were amassed atop the formation, their numbers and purpose not so inconsequential in the current crisis. But this surrendered the initiative to the enemy and was admitting defeat. From this point on all that Gadget wanted was to destroy as many fighters as he could so they couldn’t be used against the reinforcements.

Meanwhile the twelve ships sent forward continued to charge, having been ordered to engage the fighters and the strange new small craft. One Bian tactical officer noted that the small craft had a more powerful energy signature than a pinnace. Powerful enough to attract the attention of the mines. Nine of the craft were destroyed as they entered and exited the most direct portion of the minefield, reducing the number of patterns by a measurable number. He ran some numbers and concluded that these craft could be engaged with shipboard weapons, but his fellow officers and the flagship wasn’t listening.

Everyone was watching as the five Pulurtan SDs transited out, leaving the Forthright to its doom. Force beams and capital missiles finished the ship in three volleys. With that done the six BCAs commenced to maximum ECM while still moving at .033c, allowing the swarm of death to come to them. For the six SDs they kept to maximum speed, ending just behind the BCAs at a range of one-quarter of a light second. Just as the order was given to fire the Bians winced as fresh ships emerged from the warp point, firing mine clearance charges from their racks and internal launchers. It was too late to resend the order on attacking the fighters, so the mechanical men bit their proverbial tongues and watched as the first of many antimatter fireballs splayed over their drivefields. Seven whole squadrons were knocked out before the six Maetels were rendered as vapor and three Count Mechas died from the jabs of hundreds of lasers. A fourth was crippled, and with a fresh wave of dread the crews of the airship-shaped vessels waited for their turn to die.



Captain Lynaca felt the last of her nausea go away as reports came in. Royal luck held true as no buoys opened fired, and the distant feeble missile salvos and the close attention of three SDs failed to penetrate the shields of any of the six ships in her squadron: five refitted Spears and a brand new Mangonel fast battleship. Indeed, there was a whole datagroup of Count Mechas facing away from her ship, the Malice. No meaningful attack against them could be done while in the grip of post-transit effects, but that won’t be an issue for long.

All of her ships as well as those of the next wave carried AMBAMs on their external racks. A huge weapon filled with antimatter charges the AMBAM could clear out mine patterns and buoys in job lots. The big risk was if a rack containing such a weapon was hit then it and the mounting ship would go up in an apocalyptic explosion. In one of the few cases where Lynaca used her royal standing for effect was when she told Admiral Kulsek that her squadron would be one of the two to carry AMBAMs. She felt obligated to take on such a risk since success in this battle was absolutely critical for the war against the machine race. With a royal leading the way morale could only improve and inspire the High Fleet to overcome its fear of the Bians. Kulsek relented, but not before he expressed his concern over the potential loss of Lugan’s first born. Lynaca assured him that no black mark will be held against his name in case her ship was destroyed in the crucial few seconds after transit.

Fate played true for there could’ve been a far-out chance of buoy controllers on ships much further out of the warp point. But there were none, and in the future the Bians would station Mentalists at 16 LS range and accept the time delay consequences. For now the Bians saw the results of the AMBAM attack for themselves. 170 buoys of the northern group were gone, and a further 10 mine patterns were pulverized by BAM-Rc rounds. Gadget, still on the bridge of his flagship and consequently not in direct connection with his combat information center, ordered his ships to face the warp point and prepare to charge. He had no time to regret the loss of one-sixth of his force, not when he could still do considerable hurt to the enemy’s fighter force as well as destroy fresh capital ships.

Lynaca nodded as the second wave emerged. The enemy was orientating itself towards the warp point. With them was a group of small craft, 109 in number and most likely consisting of assaults shuttles and pinnaces. A formidable thorn to use against the fighters. As the designated senior officer in charge of the assault forces in the Outer Harbor system Lynaca had the gunboats and fighters (after destroying the three SDs with lasers) fall back to a spot one-half light second from the warp point. Next she selected a SD at random, and ordered the first offensive use of command datalink in the High Navy. Fifty-five laser warhead armed SBMs sped towards the target of which its captain had to be a shaken set of diodes to be on the receiving end.

The Bian SD fired off its three EDMs only to see them go to waste. Of the 28 missiles that acquired target 15 evaded the intercepts and detonated, stripping 83% of the ship’s armor in the process. Return fire was again weak due to the range. To compensate they focused on the one Spear that had the most damage in the previous exchange – the Indignation. Known to her crew as I-dig, the ten salvos of SBMs were swatted down with almost contemptuous ease, scoring only two hits but reducing the shielding to 93%.

With a smile Lynaca witnessed the destruction of the minefield and the remaining buoys due to the second wave’s AMBAMs and BAM-Rcs. However, there was no need to move forward, and not because of being currently outnumbered in ships five-to-one. The third wave was due in seconds. If anything the enemy should’ve been moving all along instead of sitting around waiting for all of the ships to come to action stations. Now they more than deserve what was going to happen to them.



Always dutiful and minding the condition of his officer Jayofor went to the bridge when the alarm went off. “Sir,” said Jayofor, looking at the admiral with nothing but concern, “you’ll be better able to command and strategize from the CIC, even without vision. Enhancing your decision making will only help the fleet.”

It appeared that the damaged admiral was looking at his yeoman with his busted eye. No-one on the bridge dared more than a glance, fearing that Gadget would know who was gawking at him regardless. Jayofor could only catalogue the obvious damage he saw pass the busted optic lens while waiting for a response. He got it.

“I will run the fleet from here,” Gadget grated. “I can’t afford to be out of the loop for thirty seconds. Ask me again and I will halve your power ration for a week! Understood?”

“Perfectly, Sir. I will no longer address that particular subject.”

Distracted, Gadget made an electronic growl as he was notified of the third wave’s entrance. One after another four battlecruisers appeared. With the fleet moving at Hardwire’s max speed, and the small craft forming a protective cover, a small sliver of hope formed in the electronic pathways of Gadget’s mind. Perhaps after all these Pulurtans could be smashed and still have something of a fleet left for the reinforcements to actually reinforce.

Then he became aware of the two distinct groups of missile pods that came after the four battlecruisers…



The range had dropped to just under 7 LS as the pods finished transit. 315 out of 2100 pods were destroyed by interpenetration, and by definition that meant every single Bian BCA was targeted by 25 or 26 pods and each SD 34. Despite the evidence of the previous pod attack Gadget and his captains believed they stood a chance to survive this fresh onslaught. They fired capital missiles at the Indignation again, cheering as her armor boiled from the sun-hot touch of antimatter flame and belched atmosphere and debris. They even took their lumps in stride as two Count Mechas lost their armor to laser torpedoes. Going to maximum ECM, crawling again at 0.033c, one could almost hear their processors telling them an assuring white lie about the impending missile storm.

It was an understandable error. Gadget thought it was going to be the same kind of pods with the same kind of missiles. What they didn’t know was that these pods were second generation. Instead of three SBMs there were six, and laser warheads instead of antimatter. The shields on those BCAs damaged earlier in battle had all but been restored. Had this barrage been what was expected, then those shields and some armor would’ve been wiped away.

After the torrent of missiles the BCAs had to use their engine tuners just to move at 0.033c. The SDs, with slightly less ECM, suffered worse. Some were able to move like the BCAs, but others were immobile, destroyed, or barely slightly better off than their smaller brethren. The HN ships, minus the Indignation as it transited out, moved in the interim, following their fighters and gunboats as the fourth wave of ships made transit. After firing their weapons the Bians had lost twelve Count Mechas and two Maetels.

Hardwire’s bridge was a wreck with every crewmember dead save Gadget and Jayofor. Now just a torso and almost detached head Gadget was still thinking as Jayofor picked him up. “No escape pod, yeoman,” said the static-filled voice of the admiral. “All ships are to keep fighting. They are to scuttle if boarding seems imminent.” His speaker went static crazy for moment. “Small craft are to ram the Pulurtan ships and destroy as many fighters as possible en-route. Transmit the omega files to the comm buoy chain immediately.”

“As you order, Sir,” said the slavishly obedient android. He found the sole working terminal on the bridge and dispatched the orders. Jayofor then set upon to firmly attach his admiral’s head back to his torso when Hardwire exploded.



While Lynaca’s ships went to maximum ECM and destroyed another 14 crippled Bian ships the small craft horde, pilot by obedient yet unimaginative pilots, sought out the immolation they were ordered to do. Maneuvering deftly, the fighters engaged the horde at the extreme range for their lasers while the gunboats used their point defense systems. Two-thirds of the pinnaces and assault shuttles were shot down with only five fighters fragged by pinnace point defense. Nether turning or twisting the horde kept moving, allowing the fighters and gunboats to keep the range. Just two pilots were lost, the last casualties in bringing down the last ‘living’ Bians around the warp point. Only the Malice received some light shield damage from the last remnants of the Bian fleet.

“Damn good job, everyone,” Lynaca said proudly, her pink exterior becoming a tinge bit brighter. “Comm, signal to all ships. Send out SAR teams to find ejected pilots and Forthright survivors. Also send a drone to inform Kulsek of the good news.”

“Aye, Captain,” said the comm officer, fulfilling his captain’s orders with alacrity.

“Nav, move the fleet to a distance of two light seconds from the warp point. Also have the incoming 2nd generation pinnaces form a patrol perimeter of one light minute around the warp point.” As the nav officer acknowledged the order Lynaca gazed at a schematic of the Outer Harbor system. The entry point was 240 light-minutes on an arbitrary bearing of 40° from the primary, a red dwarf. This faintly luminescent sun was accompanied by an airless rockball, three gas giants and sparse asteroid belt. The second warp point was 48 light-minutes closer and on a bearing of 148°.  In no matter of time a new support group, based on advanced battleship hulls, would reach that point and sow their deadly cargo of automated weapons.

One dozen Claim survey destroyers, fitted out with the newly developed cloaking system, were tasked to locate and track any Bian ships remaining in Outer Harbor. Given the thickness of the mines and buoys employed it was felt that the Bian support group was lurking about in the outer system. Eventually the ships would break down from a lack of support or make a desperate run for home. Eighteen destroyers and six light cruisers were tasked to destroy said support ships upon their discovery. After two hours of restocking expended ordnance the Combined Fleet moved towards the Outer Harbor/Shoal warp point.


Two days after the battle Lynaca paid Admiral Kulsek a visit on his flagship Lord Isset Bane. They met in the Admiral’s day cabin, a small but luxuriously equipped affair with genuine artworks and handcrafted wooden seats. “So, have you come to request to lead the next assault?” Kulsek asked half in jest as he handed the royal a cup of tea.

“I’ve garnered enough awards for myself and my crew this time, thank you. I won’t deliberately provoke fate so soon.” Lynaca accepted the tea, taking a sip to savor the flavor. “We’ll still be using capital mine-clearance charges for some time, until the science types figure out a way to miniaturize an AMBAM.”

Kulsek took of sip of his tea; it was still too hot to take long draws. “I’m pleased that the command datalink system worked as advertised. Taken in conjunction with the new laser warheads we can strip off the external ordnance of enemy capital units at long range, making them more vulnerable to fighters and gunboats.”

“Agreed. We must press on while the advantage is ours.” Lynaca took another sip and settled the cup back on its saucer. “I must admit I was a bit overbearing in requesting that I lead the first AMBAM-equipped wave. Now, however, I am speaking in the capacity of Princess for my father, the King.” She noticed how Kulsek tensed up ever so slightly in his saddle-like chair. “While the use of the missile pods was decisive my father will ask why, after knowing the locations of the enemy units, the pods weren’t sent in one wave. Our losses, as low as they were in the engagement, could’ve been lower still.”

Kulsek placed his cup down, putting his hands together as if about to deliver a sermon. “I gave that line of thought serious consideration, Princess. In the end I decided to stay with my original plan, as it would cause the maximum amount of distress to our enemies.”

“Distress? How can gussy up calculators get distressed?” Lynaca asked.

“Princess, while the great majority of these Bians are little better than drones, the officers, indeed, the ‘living’ portion of the race has emotions. Judging by the histrionics of the ones we’ve captured they can get quite excited by any kind of stimuli.” Kulsek produced a datapad and handed it to Lynaca. “One of the disadvantages of immortality, for a Bian at least, is being surprised by the unexpected. As you may recall, when they encountered our fighters for the first few times the Bian officers reacted badly. Interrogations of drone personnel, which were quite easy since they’re programmed for total obedience to superior officers, told us how the officers had mechanical breakdowns when confronted by determined fighter attacks. I planned on this when I formulated my attack.”

The first pod attack achieved its purpose, destroying the platforms and scaring them witless. They stayed in place while our carriers made transit and launched fighters. Once they saw how few fighters were involved, and with apparently no more pods in the offering, they allowed themselves to hope.” A cruel smile (for a Fendalen at least) formed on Kulsek’s mouth. “They hoped that their numbers would still win the day and smash whatever ships came through as well as knock out our fighters and gunboats. When they saw the second pod wave they thought they could handle it. It’s not difficult at all to imagine what those mechanized officers were feeling when they realized they were doomed.” Kulsek took a long draw from his now cooler tea. “Those final messages they transmitted to their comm buoys will not only inform their fellows of the defeat, but also spawn an atmosphere of fear and apprehension. From here on they’ll face the dread of further surprises as well as an attitude of fatalism when it comes to defense.”

“Interesting,” Lynaca answered as she perused the information on the datapad. “Your reasoning may turn out to be correct. With no opinions and attitudes of their own the android crews will be affected by their officers’ funk. I believe my father will see your action in that light, with a favorable word from me of course.”

“Thank you, your Highness,” Kulsek said without letting relief coloring his words. “Since you’re here, I’d like to hear your opinion on my plan on the recovery of the Shoal system.”


The reinforcements Gadget expected for his fourth assault on Davenport arrived in the Shoal system. Already aware of the fleet’s defeat and the new weapons the admiral in charge, Piston, circled the warp point leading to Outer Harbor. He missed the minefield that had been there, having been picked up and moved to the Outer Harbor/Davenport warp point by Gadget’s forces. What he also missed was the chain of comm and sensor buoys. It was clear that the enemy was here in Shoal, having sent at least a squadron of survey frigates to destroy the buoys.

Piston kept tabs on the High Navy force by sending in pinnace probes. These pinnaces, lacking long-range scanners, couldn’t tell the strength of the minefield the HN most likely emplaced to supplement the forest of laser buoys. He sent a probe every second or third day and had only one return after five attempts. On the other side of the fence Kulsek sent in probes of his own, though he had second generation pinnaces. With long range scanners these craft saw that the newcomers didn’t bring automated weapons of their own. Kulsek sent in six pinnaces in sixteen days. Only one, the last one, returned, but it enabled the admiral to enact his plan.

1,302 pods emerged from the warp point in six groups of 217 each. After interpenetration losses each group was down to on average of 184. Due to their speed the pods were entirely out of range of Bian point defense systems. Piston, to his credit, didn’t panic – he was paralyzed by shock. His subordinate kept is wits and issued orders. All ships turned 180° to face the pods, keeping their blind spots away and subsequently preventing cheap kills. Having reviewed the reports sent by the fleet regarding the pods the subordinate realized that even with their speed corvettes couldn’t hope to get within the myopic zone of the pods. One minute after emergence the pods turned and belched their death-laden loads at the corvettes. With what ECM that could be generated and EDMs deployed the Bians waited for the onslaught.

Only the thirty Screamer CTs, equipped with two point defense systems, came out relatively unscathed with just one hit each. Of the 330 Neons 45% were obliterated outright, thanks to advanced antimatter warheads on the SBMs, with another 35% were made into engineless wrecks. The rest got two hits each, reduced to a crawl despite retaining their weapons and point defense. Of the mind that waiting around for another pod swarm to appear was a very bad idea the subordinate had the destroyers and heavy cruisers move away from the warp point. With Piston still recovering the subordinate made the sensible decision to return to the previous system and wait behind its bases and mines. It was this Bian that suggested in a message sent via courier drone that a secondary minefield be emplaced beyond the first one, increasing the rate of attrition for pods waves. He also suggested that the close in type-3 platforms be moved to a distance of 1.25 LS from the warp point, still within plasma range but allowing the point defenses to engage pods in the first few seconds after transit. Those corvettes rendered engineless were destroyed while those only able to keep to a cruising speed of 0.016c were left behind to follow as best they could.

The destroyers and cruisers never made it out of the Shoal system. A cloaked task group of the Combined Fleet, composed of command datagroups of missile SDs, BBs, BCs and carriers, had been in Shoal for over a week. It stalked the retreating horde for two hours, then moved directly astern of them. At maximum CBM range the two command datagroups of Spear SDs opened fire on six DDs. Surprised and unable to use point defense, the small ships each used their trio of EDMs. It wasn’t enough and all six ships, two complete three-ship datagroups, were destroyed by the missiles’ advanced antimatter warheads.

Piston had recovered by this point and ordered his CAs to alter course by 60°. All the Screamers and Heat Lightnings came to a halt and turned to the direction of the missile salvos. As the mechanical crews raced to get to action stations the cloaked Pulurtan carriers launched their fighters and gunboats and turned away. The rest of the task group closed to just under 9 LS range when the Spears fired again, targeting just four destroyers. This time their salvos were laser warheads, and the unfortunate quartet, while still armed, were now only able to move at one-seventh of their former speed.

Action stations or not Piston then had his small ships move at their best speed towards the oncoming fighters and gunboats. Kulsek, commanding from the Lord Isset Bane, kept his ships at full speed but had his strikewings stay with the ships. The range between the charging speed DDs and the task group was now 5.75 LS. Now the Spears were joined by the Bane’s command datagroup. With the decreased range, negated ECM of the speedy DDs, and improved fire control the big missile ships destroyed four more Heat Lightnings with antimatter death while Bane and her cohorts targeted the Screamers, atomizing a datagroup.

Kulsek’s ships went to maximum ECM, allowing the still speeding Bians to close to within 3.75 LS. Scanners finally broke through the cloak of one of the SDs, allowing the Bian DDs to fire their capital energy beams at the Malice, Lynaca’s ship. Firing external ordnance along with internal launchers the twelve Spears took out twelve DDs. Kulsek’s datagroup continued to target the Screamers, blasting six more into debris. Then the twelve Short Bow BCAs fired their advanced gun/missile launchers, standard missiles armed with advanced antimatter, at the DDs and CTs alike, taking six from each grouping.

Now under 2 LS the DDs were at a range where their capital energy beams could do some real damage. The problem was that very, very few of them would get the chance to fire. Malice’s shields were down to 68% thanks to a pair of hits; then it was the destroyers’ turn. With perfect fire control solutions the capital gun/missile launchers on the Spears used the equally new second-gen version of close assault missiles. Eighteen DDs and two CTs were rendered as boiling spots of lights before fading into obscurity. Malice sustained two more hits before the rest of the close-in Lightnings were dispatched. The BBs and BCAs finished the rest with beams and missiles.

The seventy squadrons of fighters and thirty squadrons of prototype gunboats took care of the thirteen remaining Screamers. Firing second-gen fighter missiles armed with antimatter it took just thirteen squadrons to finish the noisome corvettes. Four more squadrons fired their ordnance at the four remaining crippled DDs in passing as they approached the 48 CAs. Identifying the cruisers as an equal mix of Exterminators and Fly Swatters the squadrons went against the former due to their weaker point defense. Even with numbers it would take all the fighter missiles carried by the motherships to subdue even six cruisers, not unless the squadrons were willing to come closer and use internal lasers. Highlighted by targeting lasers and radars the Bians aboard the selected ships were anxious. Mesmerized as they were by the horde falling upon them the Bians failed to notice the six Sling Stone BCAs decloaking 2 LS from their port side until it was too late.

Armed with the newest version of the plasma gun, the HN ships highlighted three Exterminators, each one in a separate datagroup, and let loose with 80 plasma packets aided by the latest in fire control augmentation. Point defense did what it could but even then all three were overkilled by at least 25%. Piston didn’t panic this time, knowing that his ships were doomed but determined to damage his enemy. He ordered at 60° turn to port and had all units de-tune their engines in an effort to close the range on the Sling Stones. The BCAs also turned to port, allowing the gap to be closed by one-quarter of a light second. The reduced range made the plasma guns 20% more destructive; Piston was stunned when he saw that the guns had the same recharge cycle as a regular beam weapon. Now four CAs were consigned to death, pelted by bolts of energy worthy of a sun.

Piston ordered the launch of his 37 pinnaces and tasked them to engage the fighters. Again the range between CAs and BCAs closed by another quarter of a light second. Still more destructive, the guns wiped out another four Exterminators. Only four fighters were felled by the pinnaces before they were in turn drowned by a torrent of fighter lasers. Just then the Sling Stone captains had their engine tuners activated, keeping the range to 1.5 LS. Faced with this situation Piston ordered the 24 Fly Swatters to change course and maintain de-tuning. He knew that his older plasma guns would never get within range unless the Pulurtans allowed him to do so. Hopefully the range between his fleeing minesweepers and the Sling Stones would be great enough that, despite de-tuning ships, fighters, and gunboats, some would still escape.

A fresh alarm brought Piston to the scanner officer’s station. Six more ships, this time labeled by the computers as battleship hulls, materialized three light-seconds ahead of the sweepers. Those six ships fired, hetlasers scouring the armor of four hulls while a fifth was treated to the sweet attention of capital energy beams. As four more of his Exterminators fell to the Sling Stones’ guns Piston came to a new realization. It was clear that these newcomers were stripping off his sweepers’ external ordnance, namely the EDMs, in addition to armor. This would allow the pursuing fighters and gunboats a better chance to score hits with their fighter missiles. As it was clear that running was pointless the only viable option now was to have the ships self-destruct. Before Piston gave the order his ship and three others succumbed to plasma fire.

Let to their own devices, the proud Bian officers of the remaining CAs didn’t even considered the possibility of scuttling their ships. The Fly Swatters had changed course to get the General BBAs behind them, but this allowed them to close within 2 LS. With no chance to miss five of the sweepers lost armor and EDMs. The sweeper previously targeted by the energy beams now lost its shields and 75% of its EDMs. Due to the sweepers’ maneuvers the fighters and gunboats finally came within optimal range. With the effects of engine detuning the fighters had no fear of begin sniped at with long-range point defense fire. It took 39 of the 53 missile-armed fighter squadrons to finish what the Generals started on the first ten sweepers.

The nine remaining Exterminators didn’t try to maneuver or alter speed. Those captains still harbored a belief that every minute they kept the Sling Stones busy was another minute for the Fly Swatters to get away. Ninety second later all of them were gone. With engine tuners turned off the Sling Stones headed back to the fleet. Their services were not required to take on the sweepers.

Distance between the Generals and Fly Swatters increased by a quarter of a light second. Five of the sweepers lost all of their external racks while a sixth just got energy beams, shielding being reduced by 61%. All of the fighters had expended their missiles as well as the first set of missiles of seven gunboat squadrons. Then the BBAs detuned their engines to keep the range constant. In a follow-up volley five more sweepers died surrounded by antimatter fireballs and distant sniping by fighter lasers while the energy beam magnet lost its shields and 1/3 of its engines.

The final volley saw all but one sweeper die. Energy beams had rendered that one into a shorted-out hulk. Unable to scuttle, boarding parties were sent over the secure the hulk and attempt to glean whatever data could be had from the computers. Suitably proud of an almost bloodless victory Kulsek had a channel open to Lynaca’s ship. “Your highness, I humbly submit that the enemy has been routed from the Shoal system,” he said reverently. “Of our casualties only four fighters have been destroyed. SAR operations are underway to recover those pilots that managed to eject in time.”

Lynaca was pleased as well. The battles for Outer Harbor and Shoal came at a very low cost for the High Navy. Kulsek’s shrewdness and cunning had knocked the metal men back on their heels. “I will inform the King of this momentous occasion,” she said naturally. “What of those corvettes still crawling like they still have hope?”

“The Gilded Gloves and Spikes will take care of them, Princess. Those corvettes rendered immobile and weaponless by primary beam fire will be boarded. Since they’re new arrivals their databanks should have a plethora of data for us to consider. In the meantime the task group will wait as the rest of the fleet forms on us. We’ll then proceed to the Shoal/Riptide warp point. The momentum of the offensive must be maintained as long as possible.”

“Very good, Admiral. Pass on to the rest of the task group that they have earned the thanks of King Lugan as well as mine. If you’ll excuse me I must attend to post-battle details with my squadron captains.”

“Understood, Princess. Admiral Kulsek out.”

Chapter 2.25
The Bian known as Sage, Governor-General of the conquered Pulurtan world of Spice, was unhappy to hear of the defeat of the 1st Fleet. He would’ve been more unhappy had the giant bugs did their counterattack via the Marmalade system instead of Outer Harbor. Looking at a flat-panel screen in his office, which used to belong to Spice’s crown governor, Sage wondered why the Pulurtans were taking the long route. If they were concerned about saving those of their race still alive on the planet then they could’ve easily done so via the Davenport – Marmalade – Spice route.
     Sage, who before the war was mayor of Emerald, a city on Bios, was selected by Queen Vulcana herself to rule in her name on Spice. Since its conquest six months ago the Bian population on Spice has passed the 5,000 mark. The android population, which served as the workforce for practically everything, was almost at 100,000. Protecting them and prosecuting the Pulurtan extermination was an army of 340,000 troops. With a starting Pulurtan population of 15 million the best estimates placed the number closer to 2 million now. The survivors of the neutron missile bombardment and early land attacks had retreated to the deep jungles of the planet. With no need to sleep or eat the Army androids will continue to hunt down the Puls, as the race was being referred to even in official correspondence, without respite. The androids had started clearing out the jungles of all life, making them wastelands. Perhaps some of them would be saved if all the Puls were killed soon enough.
     “Excuse me, Governor,” said one of Sage’s numerous android underlings over the office comm system, “Captain Cogsworth has arrived.”
     “Excellent. Wait a moment before sending him in.” Sage pulled a dust cloth from his dress jacket and gave his machine face a quick once-over. Spice was on the dry side, its continental interiors little better than arid flatlands. For that reason the Pulurtans settled mostly on the seaside tropical zones where frequent rains kept the dust in check. However the planetary capital was located in the middle of a continent that had rich mineral deposits. Hardly a day goes by without a dust front rolling over the city. Electrostatic fields kept the dust at bay, most of the time, but were a drain even for personal Bian power sources. Sage could hardly wait for the android workforce to finish construction of a proper capital complex in the Pulurtan city of Blue Tide and say goodbye to this dust-beholden purgatory.
     Cogsworth entered the office just as Sage disposed of the dust cloth in the trash. Despite having traveled most of the way from the shuttle port to the capital building shielded from the elements Cogsworth’s greatcoat had a fine film of dust on it. He didn’t bother to brush it off for he handed it to his attending servant who would take care of that particular chore. “With no need to ask about the weather,” he said after putting his service hat on the credenza, “let’s proceed to the one thing that needs to be asked.”
     Sage gave the panel another look. “Admiral Diode isn’t giving me any reason to be confident in light of the details. The Puls have a warp-capable missile delivery system among a whole plethora of new weapons, not the least of which includes a fighter with two internal lasers. Now that the Puls have Outer Harbor they’ll proceed to Shoal, which, as I have been informed, was stripped of its passive defenses to augment those of the Outer Harbor/Davenport warp point.”
     Cogsworth, having been assigned to the Special Intelligence Service branch of the Mechanized Space Navy since the war began, was privy to information that admirals and their staffs needed to hear first. Sage, being a supporter of Cogsworth’s museum back on Heavy Melder, was subtly added to the loop. With a friend in a high place that would only grow as more of Spice was developed for Bian settlement Cogsworth’s information service would in the long run pay back handsomely. “While the loss of the 1st Fleet is a setback, it isn’t a fatal one. In less than two weeks a force of 468 ships, while composed heavily of corvettes, will reach the Shoal system. They can defend the Shoal/Outer Harbor warp point until reinforced by a support group’s mines and buoys.”
     “Wouldn’t it be better to have those ships stay put at Riptide?” Sage pointed to the mentioned system on the panel. “It has passive defenses on par what Outer Harbor had, even with half the fortifications.”
     “A valid point, Sage, but one that dear old Diode won’t acknowledge. He believes that the corvettes would survive any missile storm the Puls care to throw at us. Based on the sensor data that we received these pods don’t have ECCM equipment. Coupled with the ECM generation that the new corvettes are capable of the Puls will have to waste an incredible number of pods to break into Shoal.”
     Sage’s green octagonal glass eyes pulsated from a moment. “Sounds dubious and wasteful, even if most of our crews are androids. We should preserve our strength until the fleet is reconstituted with sizable numbers of carriers. Speaking of which, when will we get our carriers?”
     “The first ten are working up in the home system, with thirty more expected to completed by next month.” Cogsworth walked up to the display panel and tapped the icon labeled Davenport. “On the face of it I can see why the Puls have chosen this route.” He moved his finger right to left, passing over the icons representing Davenport, Outer Harbor, Shoal and Riptide. “If they can secure Shoal, that’ll add more depth for the defense of Davenport, as well as providing a staging area for assaulting Riptide. With Riptide secured, they’ll isolate all the systems north of it. If there are closed warp points in this northern branch the Puls will make use of them, defeating the occupation squadrons in detail as they run out of resources.”
     “Oh, so we’re not going to develop Garden Gate as a forward support base?” Sage asked incredulously.
     “Unlike Spice,” Cogsworth said as his cyclopean eye fixed on the Marmalade icon, “Garden Gate is poor in minerals, and its relative position in the warp lines confers no advantage. We already have more than enough agricultural products for our needs. The Army is using Garden Gate to ‘bloody’ their troops by exterminating the civil population as well as perfect anti-resistance tactics.”
     Sage nodded and looked at the panel again. Among the few agricultural needs that Bians have are oils to lubricate joints and perfumes to please the machine race’s sense of smell. He had to use quite a bit of flower fragrance to get rid of the smell of the Pulurtan governor he had to kill months ago when he refused to surrender in this very office. “Aside of dumping more mines and buoys, just how secure are we here?”
     “Quite secure, my friend. The fixed defenses of the Marmalade/Davenport warp point include the same amount of mines and buoys, plus 200 energy buoys, and nine more Promethias than what Outer Harbor had. As for the Spice/Marmalade defenses the number of platforms is half, but with the six fighter platforms reaching completion in two months we’ll have a strong standing CAP that’ll be used against pods, fighters, as well as ships. Additionally, six fighter platforms are being assembled in Marmalade. They’ll be operational in a month and will have their strikegroups on hand when they do.” Cogsworth tapped the Marmalade icon again. “I say the main reason they didn’t went the Marmalade route was because of the defenses. Had they know there were only twelve Count Mechas and a like number of Maetels plus 60 DDs supporting the platforms then they could’ve succeeded in a breakout.”
     “No doubt our science types will come up with a missile pod system of our own, Cogsworth. With appropriate countermeasures, and enough bodies and ships to throw at the problem, this surprise the Puls performed will only be a footnote in the history books. Oh, that reminds me, what about reinforcements? Any heavy stuff?”
     “Aside from those ships slated for Outer Harbor not much. We can expect the Admiralty to release more task groups from rear-area duties in the Registry as a result of what happened to 1st Fleet. In three to six weeks we can expect, at a minimum, two complete task forces to reach us, or more precisely, the Riptide system.”
     “Good, good, my friend. Now when I address my fellow citizens, all 5,108 of them, I can reassure them in good conscious.” Sage changed the panel display from that of a warp line map to that of a small prison camp near the shuttle port. “We’ve managed to capture several complete family groups in a recent sweep, as you have request. Light stunners were used so there’ll be no permanent damage.”
     Cogsworth was pleased. “Thank you, my friend. I’ll select the group I want for my collection as well as that for the museum on Bios. The rest we’ll interrogate, and then hand them over to the biological applications group. If they can perfect a Pul-specific plague germ our extermination campaigns can move that much quicker.”
     “Good, good. It takes a bug to kill a bug.”

News regarding the defeat of the Outer Harbor reinforcements added to the growing sense of loathing in the MSN. On the top of even more technological surprises, of which no hard data was provided by the few courier drones that escaped, it was the apparent the High Navy wasn’t running out of steam anytime soon.
     Riptide fell with rapidity to the Combined Fleet. Admiral Kulsek dispatched one squadron of General class advanced battleships, complete with supplies to last four months, into Whitecap, a system to the ‘north’ of Riptide. While the support ships headed out in Whitecap’s outer reaches to hide the Generals set out to destroy the comm and scanner buoy network. The five second-generation pinnaces based on the ships scouted out the moons of the distant, cold gas giants, found two outposts and destroyed them with their external ordnance and a bevy of nuclear bombs carried in their holds just for that purpose. Once a sufficient number of buoys were destroyed the Generals went into cloak and waited.
     It was not a long wait. Initially spooked by the loss of communications the senior MSN commander of the systems north of Riptide, Diecast, formed a flotilla to perform a rapid reinforcement of the Whitecap/Riptide warp point. Three minesweepers, three Maetel BCAs, six DDs and six CTs escorted three Bear Trapper minelayers (filled with buoys), three Archive Storage transports (filled with mines), and three Mentalist automated weapons control ships. This assemblage of ships was detected by a Claim class DD, one of two that accompanied the support ships, which then passed it on via tight-beam communications to the Generals.
     Leaving it to the pinnaces to deploy the new buoy chain between the warp points Diecast had his flotilla proceed at max speed of that of the FT7s. What he couldn’t see or appreciate was that the cloaked Generals were stalking him. Once at the halfway point the squadron changed course and barreled right in. At the last possible moment the cloak was dropped and the prototype gunboats, armed with antimatter fighter rockets, were released from their racks. Only two of the minesweepers, used for anti-fighter work as much as for missile defense, reached actions stations as well as one DD, two Bear Trappers and two Mentalists. Eighteen out of seventy-two gunboats were shot down, but in turn Diecast died as his BCA exploded and only his armed supports ships were capable of combat. Lasers tore into the Bear Trappers once the weapons recycled, and the Mentalists fell to the gunboats, though four more of them were lost. Capital energy beams gutted the FT7s, leaving them open to boarding. The androids failed to scuttle the freighters, unable to undo the safety protocols of a pre-selected mine so it would detonate. Only after the databanks were vacuumed were the ships destroyed and the pinnaces hunted down. Going back into cloak, the HN battleships went to rendezvous with their support ships to replenish their supplies and gunboat complements. Then they went back to within 20 light-seconds of the Whitecap/Squall warp point, turned off their engines, and waited.
     An identical squadron of Generals along with one composed of Sling Stones was dispatched to the Garlic system, boarding Riptide, Spice, and Cloves. Like what Diecast did in Whitecap, Diode sent a quick supply force to reinforce the Riptide/Shoal warp point. The only difference was that Diode stayed in Spice, which was just as well since the fast minelayers were ambushed just as completely like Diecast was.
     The Sling Stones had a far bigger target sail into their sights. With care a pair of Claim class DDs tracked it as it made best FT7 speed moving between the Cloves/Garlic and Garlic/Spice warp points. At the top of the list were four FT7 transports carrying enough prefabricated components for three type-5 platforms and the hanger bays for the Bian space station over Spice Prime. Two regular FT7s carried crated fighters to equip those prefab platforms as well as for those platforms under assembly in Spice and Marmalade. One mobile shipyard, one tug, two troopships and five personnel transports completed the list. As for the escort, it was comprised of six destroyers and two scout frigates.
      A few days later such a prize would’ve gotten away. Lacking gunboats, the commodore commanding the Sling Stone squadron made a gutsy choice. Quickly rendezvousing with the Squire support ship that accompanied them, the commodore had his external ordnance, standard nuke CAM2s, replaced with advanced antimatter CAM2s. There was always an outside chance the escorts would detect the cloaked ships before they got into effective CAM range. If found out while in range of HET lasers (if so fitted out), then the commodore stood to lose one or more of ships. His captains didn’t object, thinking like he did that maximum damage had to be done in the first salvo.
     The two frigates, stationed five light seconds ahead of the convoy and five light seconds apart, were most likely able to escape, but the commodore wasn’t overly concerned. Slowly he worked his ships from behind the convoy on the port side. Then just at the 4 LS mark the DDs, apparently having been informed of the Sling Stones existence, broke formation, turned and charged. In their defense they did managed to fire first, hitting with two energy beams even. All this accomplished was for the commodore to fire his CAMs at the DDs. They all exploded spectacularly.
     Engaging engine tuners, the BCAs went after the transports, slowly gaining ground on their prey since they, too, had tuners. Changing course by 60° every thirty seconds the transports keep the BCAs in arc of their weapons, firing on the ship hit by the DDs, the Lead Bullet. The FT7s, with no tuners or even able to detune their engines, died ninety seconds after the DDs.
     The transports pelted the Lead Bullet with capital force beam fire. With armor just about to be breached the ship, upon the order from the Commodore, broke formation and turned away. This didn’t prevent the transports from firing one final parting shot, taking the last of Lead Bullet’s armor and the forward cargo bay.
     Then it became the turn of Incendiary Bullet. In one minute she lost her shields. Thirty seconds later she and her four squadronmates returned the damage with interest. Being tough ships since they were on based on battleship hulls, the first three transports were allotted 22 plasma packets each. Surprised by the range of the plasma guns, the officers commanding those three ships ceased to be surprised as their ships fell apart around them. Incendiary Bullet was hit by the other four transports, losing 57% of her armor.
     With the range reduced by another quarter of a light second the four remaining Bian transport captains found out the hard way that the BCAs’ plasma guns had a much faster recharging rate. Still, three of them fired before they died, making Incendiary Bullet shed another 28.5% of her armor. At 1.5 LS range the last transport didn’t get to fire in time. It and the tug, along with the mobile shipyard it had been towing, were smash by plasma packets that erupted like lava bombs along their hulls.
     As anticipated the frigates got away, with one heading back to Cloves while the other made a beeline for Spice. What they failed to realized was that each had a Claim DD waiting ahead of them. Blazing away at full speed, both frigates lost an engine room before reaching their respective warp points, giving the Claims the chance they needed. It was a clean sweep for the High Navy and the first of many dark days for the Mechanized Space Navy.

Chapter 2.50
Deep in work in his day cabin aboard the Lord Isset Bane Kulsek consulted the calendar to make sure of the date. It had been five weeks since the start of the Outer Harbor offensive. In that time the systems of Outer Harbor, Shoal, Riptide, Whitecap and Garlic were back in Pulurtan hands. Left in isolation were the Spice and Marmalade systems, located between Garlic and Davenport respectively. Bian forces in systems beyond Whitecap were now isolated as well.
     The Whitecap Chain had three settled worlds. Hurricane and Garden Gate both had populations under 250,000. Marblehead, the last world to fall to the Bians, barely had 50,000. There was a closed warp point in the Tsunami system, located six transits from Whitecap and from three to five from the aforementioned worlds. Two weeks after the offensive started elements of the 5th High Fleet, which had been performing rearguard actions after sustaining heavy losses before retreating past the closed warp point in Tsunami, staged an offensive of their own. Depending on the results of Bian explorations at the far end of the chain MSN forces were effectively cut off from resupply. The three worlds couldn’t support any meaningful number of ships even if the Bians weren’t exterminating the populations.
     Sathyl, Kulsek’s operations officer, entered the cabin and sat across the desk from the admiral. “Sir, the most recent dispatches have arrived.” He handed over two sheets of hardcopy.
     “We’ve recaptured Marblehead and Garden Gate,” Kulsek said as he skimmed over the first sheet. His antennae twitched unconsciously. “Only five thousand civilians were killed on Marblehead. At least they were able to spread out more thinly and thus better hide themselves. But only 12,000 out of 240,000 are left on Garden Gate.”
     “Yes Sir. The Bian Army on Garden Gate was estimated to be at least 150,000. Even with 2 months to spread out across the whole planet before the invasion there were too many enemy troops for the civilians to evade. Reports indicate that the Bians made liberal use of neutron warheads in periodic bombardments, even against detected groups as small as a family unit. With the major power generators destroyed and their orbital network of power relay satellites gone the Bian Army will be unable to sustain any sort of major resistance. The High Army expects to clear out the last holdouts in three months.”
     Kulsek grunted, looking down further on the page. “I doubt we’ll be able to find anyone alive on Hurricane. They were the first world invaded and it’s been over eleven months. Both Hurricane and Garden Gate were poor on the mineral side and their systems had paltry numbers of moons and no asteroid belts. Being the machines that they are the Bians would’ve found such planets unsuited for their needs. They exterminated the populations so they won’t waste resources on garrisons, which fit their genocidal trait against biological races.”
     “That leads to the likelihood that the Bians are developing Spice as a colony,” Sathyl commented. “The planet has an abundance of resources to exploit. Post-battle examination of sensor data, as well as debris analysis of the convoy we destroyed, indicate that the vast majority of the passengers on the transports were worker androids. Given enough time they could’ve developed Spice’s resources to the point where they could support extensive fixed defenses.”
     Kulsek looked at the second page of hardcopy. “They won’t get that opportunity. All the other sectors have sent their second-generation pods to Davenport. In five days Task Force 3 will begun the bombardment of the Marmalade defenses.” His antennae flexed in response to his feelings of enthusiasm and satisfaction. “Our reconnaissance from last week indicated nine type-3 and nine type-5 platforms on the Spice side of the Garlic/Spice warp point, along with a light spread of mines, buoys and some Mentalists. Whoever is in charge of Spice must be pissing current. With Riptide and Garlic back in our control the Bians will have to assume that our attack will be coming Garlic, especially since it’s considered a rear system.”
     Sathyl pointed to the small antiquated clock on the Admiral’s desk. “We’ll be reinforcing that anxiety in one hour with our missile pods. Considering they have 18 type-3 and 18 type-5 platforms on hand at the Marmalade/Davenport warp point the Bians must feel a little assured that they’ll hold.”
    “Oh, just a little bit.” Kulsek showed Sathyl two digits on his right hand that were only one centimeter apart. “Our recon also tells us, as well as Admiral Hykel back in Davenport, that the Bians moved their type-3 platforms further out from the respective warp points. No doubt in an attempt to shoot as many pods as possible in the first thirty seconds after transit. They might even have created a secondary mine perimeter to kill a few more pods. It won’t make a damn bit of difference to Hykel. He has enough pods to trash the Marmalade defenses several times over. We’re going to torment the Spice commander by destroying all the type-3 platforms and whatever Mentalists he happens to have near the warp point. If he has mobile forces, he’ll be under great pressure to send them to the Spice/Garlic warp point.”
     Sathyl nodded. “Then it’s a matter of a short wait. When Marmalade falls, and with no immediate sign of another assault on our part, the Bian commander will be tempted to rush to the Spice/Marmalade warp point. If they’re not too terribly strong, then we can stalk and smash them in an open space encounter that’ll favor our cloaking systems.”
     “So true, Sathyl, since holding Garlic is the primary mission of the Combined Fleet. We’re going to smash whatever task forces they’ve sent here willy-nilly in response to our break-out from Outer Harbor. Have my station in CIC ready. I’ll be there in half an hour.”
     “Aye, Aye, Admiral.”

Admiral (2nd Gear) Diode, ensconced in his command center underneath the Governor’s Tower on Spice, had an unwanted guest in the form of Governor Sage. He couldn’t eject Sage since he was the personal representative of the Queen. In turn he had to tell him the deteriorating situation that confronted them all.
     Sage was agitated. He had taken to repeatedly wiping his metal face with a dust cloth, despite the face that the command center was on a closed air conditioning system. “Where are the relief forces, Diode? I can’t believe a fleet as mighty as ours would leave us in the lurch in our time of need.”
     “As I have informed you, Sage,” Diode said without sarcasm, “at least one task force was due here, at a minimum, two weeks ago. With the enemy in control of the Garlic system no courier drones have arrived in that time frame.”
     Sage pointed an imperious finger at a large secondary screen mounted on the main wall of the command center. “You saw fit to move the warp point defenses from one side of the system to another, as well as recalling the ships from Marmalade. What real prospects do we have in holding out until help arrives?”
    “In the face of this missile pod technology, precious little prospect.” Diode said for the record, his circuit-based conscious finally clear. “The Puls have demonstrated that they could devastate our fixed defenses at any time of their choosing. Our relief forces will most likely combine before heading into Garlic. There’s no sense for the individual task forces to be picked off at will, especially given this cloak technology the Puls developed.”
     Sage made a dismissive gesture. “Invisible spaceships? More like your captains are making excuses. How convenient they blame ghostly ships that sneak up on them, barely giving them time to launch drones loaded with paltry information. The colony convoy should’ve been ordered to turn back once Riptide fell. Now over 1,000 colonists are dead and 15,000 androids lost. In the likely event the Puls do enter Spice I’m going to order the civil population to the shelters.” Of course, the far larger android workforce was excluded from such protection. There lot was to arm themselves and serve as an impromptu army to supplement the regular troops in case of a counter invasion.
     The Admiral’s cyclopean eye glared green. “Believe what you like, Governor, but I stand behind the report of my staff. You go on ahead and prepare your civil evacuation plan. It’s a wonder that the Puls haven’t already entered the system, but I suspect they’ll be here by the end of the month.”
     Still holding onto the dust cloth Sage headed for the elevator. “I’ll have the workforce double the pace in the construction of the shelters. If our fleet is successful in rescuing us then those shelters would make for excellent cold storage facilities.”
     Diode didn’t spare a look as Sage left. Unlike Sage, Diode was ‘born’ as a result of software sharing between his parents. Over the centuries he found Bians that started as organic beings, referred to as ‘the originals’, tended to be more circumspect about their machine bodies. Not that they were less willing to take chosen risks, like hazard racing. No, it was the fear of being in a position where updates to their back-up brain tapes were delayed. As a military officer, Diode came to accept that there would be situations where backups couldn’t be kept to a regular schedule. The Originals, especially in regards to those that came to Spice, didn’t like the fact that their backup tapes would take the better part of two months to reach the archive on Bios Prime.
     The destruction of the transport convoy was at most a minor inconveniece for those colonists killed. Their backup tapes would be activated, the only loss being at most two months of ‘life experience’. The activation of a replacement body could only commence back on Bios when the preceding copy was confirmed destroyed. It was this fact that made the Spice colonists anxious, for it could mean a much longer period for replacement activation. Diode thought that the colonists should take this likely outcome in stride. After all, what are a few months of missing time compared to the span of immortality?
     After considering the master plot for over fifteen minutes Diode came to a decision. He preferred to spend what time he had left commanding from the SD Grounding Wire instead of listing to the sycophantic banter of Sage. It was well enough time for General Tread, leader of the MSA troops, to become Sage’s listening post. Ten minutes later, after placing his subordinate in charge of the command center, Diode was on his pinnace en-route to his ship. He hoped that the wait for battle would be a short one.

The bombardment of the Spice/Garlic warp point proceeded on schedule. Compared to the torrent that visited the platforms in Outer Harbor this was almost a non-event. A mere 200 pods entered, slated for the nine type-3 platforms and the two detected Mentalists. Even with the double-ring minefield and the repositions type-3s the SBMs, armed with advanced antimatter, did the job. Only three frightfully crippled Volcanics survived, none of which had buoy controls systems. The Mentalists had activated 200 buoys before succumbing to missiles, and the 84 ships of the defensive task group and the nine Promethias all reached action stations in under three minutes. They waited for a follow up wave of pods with the ships moving into range of the warp point to intercept them as they made transit. One day past, then another, followed by another day of non-action. Only one Mentalist could be spared from the Spice/Marmalade defenses to husband the automated weapons guarding the Spice/Garlic warp point. It arrived and began to manage the buoys in sequence, maintaining 50 at any one time to ensure instant use.
     On the sixth day news came of the fall of the Marmalade defenses. To make the most of an impossible situation Admiral Diode had the task group move at best superdreadnought speed to the Spice/Marmalade warp point. Three hours before their arrival a single pinnace emerged from the warp point. Finding just five buoy tenders ringing the warp point the pinnace left, only to return a minute later with some friends. Using their point defense systems the twelve pinnaces started to reduce the massive buoy presence.  Unable to allow this to continue the Mentalist Quintet moved in. At 6 LS range one of the pinnaces returned to Marmalade. It took a moment for the five captains to realize what was going to happen next. As one they all turned and headed away at full speed. A small wave of 100 pods entered just as the ships were 8.5 LS distant. Even with range and three EDMs each in their favor all five ships were destroyed in miniature missile tsunamis. The High Navy task force moved in only after the pinnaces destroyed all the buoys. With a path in the minefield cleared the task force moved to intercept the oncoming MSN task group, leaving behind the dedicated sweepers to finish clearing the rest of the mines.
     While the final stages of the Spice offensive were unfolding the anticipated MSN relief force entered the Garlic system. Only after being satisfied that no enemy ships were in the immediate area did the commander of the force, Kelvin, sent in his Count Mechas to begin clearing the minefield with capital missile mine clearance charges. As the third wave of SDs entered to assist in the mine clearance they were rocked by incoming missiles. Kulsek's ships were waiting fourteen light seconds away, cloaks engaged, when the Bian pinnace first appeared. The High Navy admiral wasn't overly concerned in the maintenance expense his ships were incurring. He knew his machine opponents would be coming, and that his wait wouldn't be a long one.
     Three datagroups of Spears and three of Mangonels targeted three Mechas, the ones that just emerged, firing pure loads of second-gen laser-warhead SBMs. With point defense addled by transit and EDMs useless against such missiles the trio belched atmosphere from numerous hull breaches. Kelvin, on a first wave SD, knew that there was no chance to wring a victory in this circumstance. He immediately ordered his ships to leave, starting with his and one other. They could’ve all gone at the same time in a simultaneous transit, but Kelvin didn’t want to risk losing any of his big ships in such a manner. Still, at least one more wave would enter before he could call a halt their entry.
     A little disappointed that the machine men declined to stay, Kulsek had his Spears and Mangonels finish off the damaged Mechas. Moving in under cloak the ships’ fire control solutions improved, making the Spears’ volleys of AAM-armed CBMs more effective. The Mangonels, with their smaller volleys, continued to fire laser torpedoes. All three were further damaged, but when one engaged its engine tuners it and another damaged fellow were able to follow three untouched Mechas on the way out.
     That left five Mechas. Now that the remaining cripple only had its own point defense to call upon it took just one datagroup of Mangonels to finish it off. Another Mecha joined it in death while a third was pummeled harshly. It escaped along with the last two ships, leaving the Garlic system in Pulurtans hands, though 60 mine patterns poorer. The Combined Fleet then went back to a normal holding stance over the warp point, keeping a twenty-squadron fighter patrol up at any one time. Until he could fully appreciate the situation he faced Kelvin went on the defensive on his side of the warp point, dooming all the Bians in recaptured Pulurtan space.
     Back in Spice Admiral Diode wished he had moved just one hour earlier so as to hinder the enemy’s entry into the system. Now with the tenders gone and the nearest scanner buoy destroyed he had to assume that the Puls were using their cloaking systems. His ships did detect a collection of drive field contacts closing on his command. At extreme missile range the contacts were made out to be 30 light cruisers and a like number of destroyers. Diode knew it was bait, but the prospect of doing some damage before dying was too tempting to ignore. He ordered his Heat Lighting DDs, all 60 of them, to detune their engines to close the gap as quickly as possible. The 12 Count Mechas and like number of Maetels followed at a speed of 0.067c.
     As the first volleys of SBMs fell on the selected Pul DDs his scanner techs gained and then maintained a solid sensor lock on a cloaked ship off the Grounding Wire’s port bow. Moments later further intensive scanning showed a slew of cloaked ships, including carriers, had closed to within eight light seconds of his ship. He witnessed the launch of 360 fighters and 192 gunboats, all of which blanketed his DDs like ants on honey, destroying them in passing for paltry losses to their own number. Steadily moving on, Diode kept firing on those enemies that his weapons could reach. Six Pul DDs fell to his guns before the fiendishly armed small craft swarmed over his big ships. With clarity of purpose they fired all their point defense as well as shipboard weapons at the fighters, no longer caring that they were now easy targets for Pul missiles.
     With the destruction of Diode’s task group the Spice system was now secured. The handful of MSN scout frigates and the assembly ships, which had abandoned their projects in Marmalade, retreated to the outer reaches of the system. It would be after the war that their hulls, broken down and decrepit from exhausted supplies, were found drifting 10 light-hours from Spice’s sun. Four days after the battle Admiral Hykel’s task force entered orbit over the planet, denied the chance to capture the unarmed Bian space station since it had already self-destructed one day earlier.
     Shuttles, loaded with High Army troops, launched from their transports and made for the assembly areas on Spice proper. While that was taking place Hykel had his missile ships polish off the remaining platforms guarding the Spice/Garlic warp point. With their destruction all meaningful space-based Bian resistance was gone. Now it was up to the groundpounders to kill the mechanized army and save those civilians still alive on the planet’s surface.

Chapter 2.75
The 2nd Corps of the High Army successful landed on Spice and had complete aerospace control. All Bian surveillance, power relay and bombardment satellites were destroyed. From orbital observations and contacts with the Pulurtan guerilla leaders it was estimated the Mechanized Space Army (MSA) presence on Spice numbered over 300,000 plus at least 100,000 android workers that, in a pinch, could serve as emergency troops. Kinetic bombardment satellites go rid of the most obvious concentrations of troops and workers.
     It came clear that the MSA main goal was to continue its campaign against the Pulurtan civilians while avoiding action with the HA as much as possible. High General (3rd Barb) Polobus, Duke of Havenport, wasn’t going to let his foes have the luxury of hiding. The one true weakness of the MSA, indeed of any android or Bian, was their power needs. With a power cell an android could operate for one week. In combat conditions the power cell could last as short as two days. Disrupting the supply and recharging of the androids was the major combat plan for the 2nd Corps. Top on the list was the destruction of all power generators and storage cells. Small portable generators proved to be the most elusive targets, but with each one destroyed meant that much fewer androids would be operating, and more importantly, not fighting.
     The MSA had thought of the long term. After all, they expected to stay on Spice forever. To that end three fusion reactors were built underneath three widely spaced mountains. It would’ve taken a major effort to locate those installations had it not been for guerilla observers keeping tabs on MSA movements. Among the first targets in the kinetic bombardment were those reactors. Only the energy signature of an exploded reactor halted the attacks, each mountain having been reduced to one-third of their former heights.
     Prince Dusan, fourth child of King Lugan and currently on active status in the High Army, had just returned from a search and destroy mission with his company. The base camp, comprising the whole of the 5th Brigade of the 24th Division, was located in the foothills of the Dragon Spine Mountains on Spice. There was enough ground water to permit a nice covering of grass from the foothills to the base of the mountains. However the camp was not all that far removed from the semi-arid conditions that typified the continental interior. When the wind was just right dust would blow over the camp for as long as a day.
     A dust storm was in progress as Dusan’s company, the 511th, returned. After seeing that his men were settled the prince went to his tent, removing his helmet so his antennae could move freely. In a few minutes he was going to make his after action report to the commanding officer of the brigade, High Colonel Ersuva. Since nothing could be done about the dust Dusan was about to apply some cologne to cover the smell of dried sweat. He was interrupted by a messenger, informing him that his presence was required in the Colonel’s command tent presently.
     Forgoing helmet and cologne Dusan took the brief trip through camp, brushing the dust off his head before entering the tent’s map room. Colonel Ersuva was standing at the far end of the map table, and he wasn’t alone. With him were other officers, all captains like Dusan, and someone else.
     “Captain Pulurtan Dusan reporting,” the prince said, addressing and saluting the Colonel.
     “At ease, Captain,” Ersuva acknowledged, still looking at a three dimensional map on the table. He motioned to the officer on his right. “I believe you know General Polobus.”
     Dusan’s front antennae flexed acknowledgement. A veteran of the Civil War and Isset Insurrection General Polobus was as old as dirt and tough as rocks. He was one of Lugan’s core supporters in the Civil War and won several key battles. After the war Polobus was made a Duke but had to wait until Havenport was resettled before assuming his governorship. When Spice fell Polobus was chosen by King Lugan to lead the High Army in its recapture.
     The General looked up from the map and bowed. “Greetings, my prince. How was your sweep?”
     “Productive, General. Eighteen androids confirmed destroyed and rendered useless. Only four injuries incurred on our part.” Dusan kept the grimace out of his voice. The previous sweep saw five of his men killed by an explosive carrying android. Other companies had suffered such losses that they weren’t getting individual replacements but whole platoons thanks to the machinations of the android soldiers.
     “Good. In no way does a machine have the same value as a Fendalen.” Polobus rubbed an old scar under his chin. “With frequent kinetic bombardment and aggressive sweeps we’re keeping the metal men moving, making them use up energy and revealing where they keep caches of power cells and generators. Examination of data retrieved from destroyed androids has garnered little in the way of strategic information. What we need are actual Bian brain cores.”
     The map table’s holographic projection shimmered, changing into a three-dimensional relief. It was a representation of a set of hills, heavily wooded with a stream meandering between them. “From guerilla sources we’ve learned that the Bians have constructed several subterranean structures,” Polobus continued. “In all known instances at least 200 Bian civilians were observed entering these structures and then concealed. We’ll be conducting operations very soon to seize all of these apparent shelters.” He jabbed a finger, the one that had his ducal ring, at a ghostly image of a hill. “On that particular hill, about 150 kilometers from here, a shelter is reaching completion. My intelligence staff believes that Bian officers are overseeing the final stage of each shelter as they become ready. I have on good authority that at this particular shelter a Bian officer was observed directing the work. We were able to make out the rank and name this officer,” Polobus stressed the word with contempt. “It’s Cogsworth, the metal man who fired upon our survey force and started this war.”
     Dusan’s antennae stood up in a sign of recognition, as well as the other officers in the room. His mind reached to the obvious conclusion but Polobus spoke for everyone’s benefit. “As you know the King has decreed that Cogsworth be captured were practical so that he can be punished as befitting one who killed our citizens under a flag of parley. There’s no mistake in identification, since his unique symbol designators on his uniform are the same as observed in the first contact transmission.” He looked at Dusan intently, making the prince a bit anxious. “With the villain so close at hand it is only fitting that you, a royal family member, have the honor of leading troops in the capture attempt.”
     “So I take it that only my company will be involved, General?” Dusan spoke with authority as befitting a prince. He actually had authority over Polobus if he so chose to exercise it, but ultimately he would have to answer to his father, especially if anything went wrong.
    Polobus nodded. “Yes, my prince. Anything larger than a company would surely attract attention. On the other side the Bians can’t have anything more than a company themselves on-site, or else our orbiters would’ve detected them, even if they were deactivated. The stealth systems of our field uniforms are still better than those of the metal men. Your troops will get into a position where they can take down as many Bians as possible in the first few shots. Securing the shelter is a secondary objective. If you’re successful in retrieving one or more intact Bian heads you can destroy the shelter instead of capturing it.”
     “When will the operation take place?” Dusan asked.
     “In two days. All the other officers here will be tackling a shelter of their own in the same time period.” Polobus worked the map controls, upsizing the image to cover a much wider area. “I will now address the known factors that all the shelters share as well as the specifics of each. Captains, each of you will find the pertinent data of your specific assignment in your minicomps downloaded presently. First, let’s begin with the observed number of androids involved in constructing each shelter…”

“Capture a Bian?” Technical Sergeant Yatjyz said incredulously. “Captain, why are we going through the trouble to get one? They’ll just self-destruct their brains if they know capture is imminent.”
     “Despite the scuttlebutt that passes as fact these days, Yatjyz,” Dusan replied while checking the fit of his combat dress and webbing, “not all Bians have the same response to the same situations. Some are reluctant to self-destruct so casually. A few officers were captured on Garden Gate because they believed they would be rescued.”
     “Begging the Captain’s pardon, but going after some metal men that only differ from other metal men due to several million lines of code is a poor use of resources.” Yatjyz checked her gauss rifle’s capacitor. On the stock were hash marks indicating fourteen kills. “We should just bombard the site with a few kinetics and shift through the rubble later.”
     On the surface of it Dusan agreed with his command platoon sergeant. A mother of five and a reservist for the past twenty years Yatjyz looked at things with the mindset of incurring the least harm for her troops. On the opposite was his second in command, Lieutenant Baythel. He was fresh from the High Army Academy on Pinnacle and assigned to the company when it was formed six months ago on Havenport. Unlike the rest of the company, all army reservists for at least a decade or more and had families, Baythel was a bachelor and expected to do great things while under the Dusan’s command. At times the Prince thought Baythel would do anything to be knighted, including throwing himself on the proverbial grenade to be awarded posthumously. The recent combats haven’t quite dampened the lieutenant’s enthusiasm.
     Dusan also checked his weapons. The stealth transport was almost at the debarkation point, some 20 km from the target shelter. “I would prefer destroying these machines in job lots. Getting information that will lead to the destruction of more machines more efficiently will be worth the effort.”
     Yatjyz flattened her antennae and donned her helmet, voice now sounding distant and tinny. “If this officer is the Cogsworth we want then I doubt we’ll get him. He probably has some hardwired anti-capture program that’ll fry his brain. Fry, or explode, like what happened to that platoon in the 633rd in Blue Tower. Or we’ll get a junior officer that’s filled with trivial information and an enormous ego.”
    “Is that an indirect slight to this company’s lieutenant, Sergeant Yatjyz?” Dusan said like a teacher reproaching a mischievous student. “Speaking strictly as a commanding officer to his senior NCO, as far as Baythel’s ego is concerned it’s taking up valuable transport space that could better serve with more supplies.”

The work on the shelter was complete. Its entrance was located at the base of a hill, camouflaged by thick brush backed with a thin layer of moss-covered rock. Industrious worker androids had taken all the excavated soil and rock and spread it far from the site, improving the shelter’s chances of anonymity. With the density of trees and foliage if one wasn’t there as it was built then it was, for all practical purposes, invisible.
     This particular shelter, as well as others in the region, actually lost its anonymity thanks to a team of guerillas following the movements of one Bian. Identified as an intelligence officer as well as a torturer early on in the occupation the guerillas were keen on eliminating him. They had several opportunities in the past few weeks to do so, but the guerillas were now under the orders of General Polobus. Killing the Bian was easy, but to capture or at the least get his head intact was another story.
     MSN officer Captain Cogsworth knew, by virtue of his work, he would be a target for the enemy. He was engaged in gathering field intelligence at the behest of General Tread. This ran the gambit from examining captured enemy computers to interrogations (and execution) of prisoners. For the past week, however, Cogsworth had been busy overseeing the construction of underground shelters that were to serve as holding areas for prisoners that required more sophisticated forms of interrogation.
     On this particular day Cogsworth had an unexpected and unwanted guest. Governor Sage, having seen the remaining Bian colonists to their shelters, decided to see Cogsworth personally for information about the fight against the High Army. He wore an adaptive jumpsuit that all personnel, Bian and android, had when out in the field. The suit not only incorporated passive camouflage technology but, more importantly in Sage’s eyes, also kept dust off his mechanical body. At a brace of thick trees Sage asked his question of Cogsworth, who also wore a jumpsuit. “Before I go to my shelter in the northern forests,” he asked eagerly, “has there been any word on the relief forces? General Tread has told me that if we don’t get the orbitals back in one month we’ve had it.”
     “Governor,” Cogsworth said without the irritation he wanted to add, “I’ve mentioned before if the relief forces hadn’t already broken through by now then this planet is very well lost to us. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if the Queen had already declared us dead and activated our replacement bodies and back-up tapes.”
     “That’s very presumptuous of you, Captain. We can still prevail,” Sage said as fact as much as self-assurance. He wasn’t prepared to accept the obvious that when the MSN does return to Spice all that would be found would be a handful of Bians and that he was likely won’t be among them.
     “Since you brought up presumption, Governor, I have to say you’re pushing it.” Cogsworth’s looked at the senior civilian directly. “Replacing your faceplate with that of an ordinary android to disguise yourself is only half the picture. If we were under observation then you’re making yourself a target by appearing to be an important android NCO.”
     “I’ll only be shot after you, Cogsworth. Your mono-eye is little better than a target on a firing range.” About to take his leave and head out for his own hiding place Sage’s electronic ears picked up a noise…

The three stealth transports quickly deposited the 112 HA troops at the rendezvous point and departed. Captain Dusan made contact with the guerillas. Lead by a 15-year-old named Gyco, the small group led the troops across the 20 kilometers of dense forests to the shelter. During the trek Dusan learned more Gyco’s background. He was a junior student attending Spice University when the Bians invaded. Along with the whole of the university hunting club Gyco took to the wilds and began a campaign of intelligence gathering and harassment of MSA forces. The stock of his hunting rifle had twenty hashmarks, his scorecard of kills. He told Dusan that those kills were of officers since early on he decided to keep android kills separate. Besides, had he kept android kill scores on the stock then it would’ve been completely covered by hash marks well before now.
     Six hours later the company reached the site. Dusan wished the transports could’ve dropped them off at least five kilometers closer, but Bian field sensors had a fair chance to detect the stealth vehicles at 15km range. It took another hour to settle the platoons around the shelter’s perimeter. Dusan’s command platoon was directly across from the camouflaged entrance while Baythel and his men were on the slope of the hill. Command Sergeants Qezyl and Suve had their platoons to either side of the shelter with some men in the trees to provide sniping coverage.
     Using birdcalls appropriate for the area Gyco contacted the lookouts he kept around the site. He informed Dusan of the reply, indicating that a squad had joined the two platoon’s worth of workers and soldiers in the area. Knowing that the soldiers were camouflaged, and the area immediately in front of the sheltered entranced mined, Dusan called out to his other platoons with a set of calls of his own. The attack would commence either when Dusan gave out a specific call or when Gyco fired his rifle.
     The light was dying when Gyco got his target. It appeared to be two androids in their camouflage gear, walking one after the other but with their steps betrayed by grass bending the wrong way in the prevailing wind. One of them stood with trees behind him, their irregular bark giving away his outline. With well-practiced eyes Gyco perceived the contours of his target’s face mask, finding that the eye underneath was circular instead of rectangular. Gyco kept his breathing steady but heard the blood pounding in his head. Adjusting his 14mm hunting rifle, he took aim for the Bian’s neck, released the safety, and fired between breaths.

Sage was utterly startled as he witnessed Cogsworth’s head being severed from his body by a high power bullet. Automatics kicked in, compelling Sage to hit the ground. He felt Cogsworth’s head landing right next to him in the grass. Knowing better not to yell out, Sage waited for his hidden soldiers to rescue him.
     Unseen by Sage a satchel was thrown by a tree-stationed trooper. Upon landing it shot out eight streamers, forming an octagonal pattern. Embedded in the streamers were explosives: a moment later they performed their function. All the anti-personnel mines within 30 meters of the shelter’s entrance were destroyed, triggered by the overpressure of the explosives. That awful noise barely weakened when another, more sinister sound warbled the air. A slew of microwave grenades bleated out their short-range pulses of energy. Hidden MSA troops, whether just under the surface of the ground or crouching motionless in bushes began crackling with blue-white sparks, their camouflage unable to accord them full insulation. Several gauss shots placed the metal men to rights, leaving just 20 by Gyco’s reckoning.
     Several metal troopers forgone stealth and went after the threats nearest them. In doing so a few stepped on wafer-thin explosives strewn by Dusan’s men as they settled in their positions. The tiny mines were powerful enough to compromise a Bian’s outer protection, leaving them easy marks for the tree-stationed soldiers.
     The Bians had surprises of their own, including randomly placed command detonated mines. As he was pelted by dirt from a nearby explosion Dusan heard the cries of several of his men. He broke the communication blackout and contacted his other platoons. Two squads were sent forward to claim the Bian officer’s head with the rest moving in to support them. This action provoked the remaining MSA troops into their primary default imperative – escorting Governor Sage to safety.
     Dusan made the reasonable conclusion that something or someone important was in the shelter, gauging by the vicious close range combats that ensued. After all, what was the point in saving an officer that was already dead after a fashion? In reflection the fight was a vulgar parody of a game of tag. High Army soldiers, moving from tree to tree in the dense forest, lobbed grenades at point blank range at the androids while they in turn passed Sage from one pair of defenders to the next.
     Lt. Baythel, moving faster than was prudent, ran headlong into the cloaked form of an android soldier. He staggered backwards, finding that the collision had disrupted the android’s cloak. Before he could raise his weapon Baythel was grabbed by the metal man and thrown to the ground on his back, dropping his rifle. He drew his gauss pistol from its holster but the android made a play for it, breaking Baythel’s wrist in the process.
     Instead of shooting the android found itself grappled from behind by a nearly-invisible antagonist. While firmly held by one arm another planted its hand on the android’s chin. With a quick jerk the head was ripped off the body, producing a few obligatory sparks as power leads were torn asunder. Baythel’s rescuer was one of his men, Footman Gax. Due to his devotion to exercise Gax was known in the company by his nickname Reps. Possessing prodigious strength there was no doubt that he could rip off the head of an android if the need arose.
     “You alright, Sir?” Reps asked as he pulled up his commander by his (fortunately) good hand. “You shouldn’t be charging ahead all willy-nilly. That’s how we lost the other two lieutenants.”
     “I’ll keep that in mind, Reps,” Baythel said, massaging his wound as well as his ego. A radio message from Dusan filled his ears, telling him to secure the shelter. He acknowledged the order and sent out his own to the platoon. Reps had in the interim picked up the rifle and handed it over to his officer. “We’re going to seize the shelter, Reps. In such a confine space you’ll have the opportunity to rip off the heads of more androids. You feel up to it?”
     “Just point me in the right direction, Sir. I’ll get a head for each platoon in the company.”

Though in no way was he physically tired Sage had grown weary of being chased. His last two protectors had fallen and there had been no indications of enemy soldiers nearby for the last two kilometers. It was easy to lose sight of someone in the dense forest and with the speed Sage was moving he felt his pursuers were well behind him. He came to a stop by a stream to gain his bearings. A quick calculation informed him that the next shelter was thirty kilometers away. His ultimate goal was to return to his own shelter some 300 kms to the north.
     Looking at Cogsworth’s head, Sage determined that the damage was minimal. With some work it could be attached to an android body. The naval officer’s skills and knowledge were in high demand by General Tread. By saving the head Sage knew he would earn some gratitude from the General who had up to now only given him lip service.
     Sage heard the same noise that was made just before Cogsworth was shot. He scanned the area, finding just ahead of him, some 10 meters away and five meters up in a tree, a Fendalen. It wasn’t a soldier for its gear wasn’t military and the rifle it leveled against him was too big. Sage didn’t move, knowing that he couldn’t get to cover fast enough and his adaptive jumpsuit had gaps and tears from being snagged in the underbrush. He noted with sick fascination that the Fendalen was looking at him in a peculiar fashion, as if the overblown insect could see past his disguise. With the precision of a science instrument he made out the big bug’s finger as it squeezed the trigger…

“That’s the size of it, Captain,” Baythel reported. “The shelter is way too small to hold a meaningful number of androids. From the rooms and equipment discovered by Footman Gax what we have is an interrogation site. I saw for myself the table mentioned by Gax and it is indeed meant to hold an adult Fendalen.” Baythel didn’t need to add the fact that the table restraints were covered in blood. Gax said that over the comm for everyone to hear upon making the discovery.
     “I see,” Dusan said, looking at the shelter entrance, the door of which was ripped off its hinges by Gax. The strong reservists said it would’ve been a waste of explosives to do so otherwise. At least there were no traps as the company had certainly its share of casualties for today: Two dead and fourteen wounded. In minutes two transports and an escorting squadron of aerospace attack craft would arrive to oversee the casualty evacuation. “Any word from the pursuit squads?”
     “There has been no contact or combat since the squads reached the one kilometer mark.” With his uninjured hand Baythel consulted his minicomp. “However, an android body was found by the stream with its head missing. Apparently someone else had a hankering on getting a head as a souvenir.”
     “I think I know who it is.” Dusan pointed to Gyco as he emerged from the trees. In each hand the guerilla carried an android head. He threw one at Dusan, catching it without flinching. He immediately recognized it as Cogsworth despite the dirt and grim. “Excellent. I was afraid we’ve lost it for good. The General will be pleased. I was wondering where you went to during the fight, Gyco. You should’ve left your comm on.”
     The dark green Gyco shook his head. “The Bians would’ve detected the boost in signal strength required for long range communication in this forest. I went after what I thought was an android NCO that was carrying Cogsworth’s head. Normally I wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of sparing the head of an android, but I noticed something.” Gyco held up the other head for Dusan to see. “This android used a cloth to wipe its face during the pursuit, an action that’s unnecessary and peculiar. When I removed the faceplate I found this.” He moved closer to Dusan while taking the faceplate off. Underneath were the myriad of components and connections that comprised the head. “Androids just have one optical connection port. As you see here, this one has two. Bians have two optical connections regardless if they have one eye or two since they could change faceplates like they would a boot.” Like Cogsworth’s Gyco threw the second head, this time to Baythel. He caught it cleanly but had to drop his minicomp to do so.
     Dusan grunted in agreement. “Well done, Gyco. This may well be a high-ranking Bian civilian you’ve bagged. We’ll probe its brain for whatever tidbits of information it contains. You and your men can take the transports back to camp if you like. There’ll be hot food and dry bedding waiting, not to mention some liquor to toast to your good fortune.”
     Gyco was pleased. “Thank you, Captain. After nailing that bastard Cogsworth we deserve to celebrate our victory with as much enthusiasm as possible.”

Two weeks later an assembly was held at the camp for the 5th Brigade. All ten companies, including the 511th, were involved. On the platform was Colonel Ersuva, Dusan, decked out in ceremonial combat armor and royal sword, and General Polobus, also in ceremonial garb that harkened back to ancient warfare on Fendala. Polobus awarded the combat wound pin to those soldiers injured in battle followed by those that distinguished themselves in combat. Footman Gax got a medal of commendation for as much as saving the life of Lt. Baythel as for exhibiting the desired level of aggression against the enemy.
     Gyco’s guerillas were there as well, dressed in their best civilian web gear and having pride of place in front of the review stand. After Gax got his award the General addressed the assembly. “I’m pleased to report that, due to the information we’ve gained from captured resources, namely the despicable Cogsworth, our latest offensives against the MSA are succeeding. Battlefield reports place MSA losses, at a minimum, of at least 20,000 troops. That doesn’t include 8,000 troops, actual combat models, not workers, left abandoned in the field due to a lack of power. 85% for their remaining portable generators have been destroyed or secured and large caches of power cells melted down. Combined with the security given to our civilians the MSA on this planet, in short, is no longer able to conduct meaningful attacks. I predict in three months time there will be no more metal bastards left moving to desecrate the surface of Spice with their feet.”
     Polobus allowed the troops to cheer for a good long moment before quieting them. “I have more good news. Thanks to the perception of one of our guerilla fighters, Agtha Gyco, we have in our possession the head of the Bian governor, Sage.” An audible sound of approval came from the crowd. Everyone seemed to be looking in Gyco’s direction, making the guerilla leader both proud and nervous for being the center of attention. “Sage had a great deal of knowledge regarding the atrocities committed on Spice by the MSA and security forces. In fact many of the orders regarding the extermination of the Spice population came from Sage himself, including specific ones for the capture, interrogation, and torture of civilians for no other reason but pleasure.”
     A palatable sense of hate was generated by the crowd. Polobus allowed them to feel that hate for it was their right to hate an enemy so removed from the world of flesh and feelings. “Sage also,” Polobus continued after a moment, “knew the locations of all the Bian civilian shelters. Kinetic strikes have, as of yesterday, destroyed all of them. The 5,000 Bians killed is nothing compared to our own losses, but in the months and years to come, with the might of our fleet and righteous indignation, we will visit upon every Bian world we encounter a complete obliteration of their worthless mechanical existence. This is the word and will of King Lugan – death to the Bians!”
     The troops cheered for a good three minutes, chanting their monarch’s name. Polobus raised his arms to silence them again. “For the final award I ask that Agtha Gyco come forward.” He looked bemused as the youngster walk up stairs and onto the platform. For a former student that had the patience and will to remain hidden for days at a time to snipe one enemy officer Gyco looked like a child about to do a recital in front of his school. “We could only have scored the victories in the past week thanks to you, Gyco. You’ve earned something far more prestigious than the Distinguished Citizen Award, being made a Count, and the King’s Thanks. No, Gyco, there’s only one way to acknowledge the magnitude of your contribution.”
     Gyco couldn’t speak to express either gratitude or disbelief, nor did he have time. Dusan stepped forward, looking larger than life in the young man’s eyes. “Kneel, Agtha Gyco,” Dusan commanded with complete conviction. When that was done Dusan resumed. The crowd was quite, listening with care to each word. “You have rendered a service to the Kingdom that few could achieve through action or chance of fate. With the authority given to me by my father, King Lugan, I will act in his stead.” Dusan drew his sword, resting the tip of it on the top of Gyco’s head. “Do you swear the oath of fealty to King Lugan, carrying out his orders and serving his will above all others?”
     “I swear,” Gyco heard himself saying, knowing what was happening was real and not imaginary.
     Dusan then moved the sword tip to touch both of Gyco’s hands. “Do you swear that your hands will only act in accordance to the King’s will and no-one else?”
     “I swear,” Gyco repeated.
     The flat of Dusan’s blade now rested on Gyco’s chest. “Do you swear your heart to the King, placing devotion to him above all others?”
     “I swear,” Gyco stated for the third time.
     “Then I hereby proclaim you a Knight of the Realm. Rise, Agtha Gyco.” When the knighted man rose Dusan presented him with his sword, hilt first. “You are now the fifteenth Knight so ordained under the rule of King Lugan, and the first since the Civil War. Take this sword, Gyco, so that you will be able to fulfill the first of many obligations required of you, to be armed with a royal sword at your side.”
     Without hesitation the new knight took the sword, looking at its fascinating craftsmanship. He then raised it high in the air so that its gleam could be seen by the crowd. The roar of approval was awesome. It took some time for the youngster to adjust to the new life bestowed upon him. However there was one immediate perk. From that day on Gyco didn’t have to worry paying for his drinks wherever he went in the High Kingdom.
     True to Polobus’ prediction the MSA was utterly defeated. Those androids not destroyed were found deactivated, powerless, singularly or in groups. Even decades later inert android troops, worn by the elements, were discovered by surveyors and vacationers all over Spice. The 2nd Corps underwent a period of refit and reconstitution. Next on the agenda was the conquest of Heavy Melder, once the High Navy had clear the intervening systems of Bian ships and bases. It would be almost two years before the Pulurtans were able to visit the same kind of destruction on Bian worlds as it happened on Spice, Garden Gate, Hurricane and Marblehead. When it came, however, it was a terrible sight to behold.

updated 05/11/07


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